
Theft of service: The dark side of VoIP

Businesses that use Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone systems are at risk of theft of service, one of the most common types of VoIP fraud. Theft of service can impact an organization’s VoIP network in several ways, including decreased call quality and increased costs. Here’s what businesses should know about VoIP theft of service […]

Top 5 benefits of using softphones

With remote work becoming crucial to business survival, it’s more important than ever for companies to have a reliable communication system. One option is to issue company phones to remote workers so they can communicate with clients and colleagues. But the ideal solution for most businesses is to use phone apps or softphones, and here […]

Here’s how to benefit from VoIP’s on-hold messages

For many customers, being put on hold in a call can be annoying. Some may even get frustrated and just hang up. Instead of keeping your business’s callers waiting without anything to do, why not have them listen to useful information that keeps them engaged? With a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) system, doing this […]

Is Microsoft Teams or Google Meet better for your business?

Today, there’s no shortage of online communication tools for businesses to choose from, but Microsoft Teams and Google Meet are the clear winners in terms of functionality and ease of use. Choosing between the two platforms can be a challenge, as both offer a robust set of features that make business communications more efficient and […]

4 Different VoIP services you can benefit from

A growing number of businesses are shifting from conventional landlines to Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) systems. Doing so is allowing them to lower their communication costs, leverage advanced call features, and support remote work arrangements. If you are also looking to join the VoIP bandwagon, you might get confused by the several types of […]

How can you prepare your VoIP for the holiday season?

The holiday season is upon us, which means businesses will likely be bombarded with a wave of customer calls and inquiries. As a business owner, you need to make sure that your Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) systems are ready to cope with the holiday rush. Below are a few ways to ensure crystal-clear calls. […]

Is your VoIP system being hacked?

Many businesses have switched from traditional phone systems to a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) system. This is because VoIP offers more benefits including cost reduction, mobility, and scalability. But just like any device that’s connected to the internet, VoIP phones can be at the receiving end of a cyberattack. Here’s how you can tell […]

5 Vital VoIP measures to implement

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology is a flexible, scalable, and highly efficient communication solution that more and more modern businesses are relying on. However, a large user base makes VoIP an attractive cybercrime target, which means VoIP users face increasing risks. Here are five effective security measures you can implement to protect your business’s […]